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In 5 weekly classes we dive into the landscape of the heart.

Every week we focus on an emotion and it’s medicine for the heart.
You can choose to come in the morning (wednesdays) or evening (tuesdays) Amsterdam time.

If you’re not able to follow the class live you will get acces to the sound recording for two weeks. (no video recording will be shared)

Classes will be held on Zoom, a basic understanding of zoom is necessary.
Sound will be optimal with cable connected speakers.

When you take the whole series, you’ll receive a link to the recordings, which is available for a week.

you can choose evening or morning (or join both)
Tuesdays 19:30 – 21: 00 CET
March 12, 19 & 26, April 2nd, 9th

Wednesdays  9:45 – 11:00 CET
March 13, 20 & 27, Aril 3rd, 10th

(if taken with the series, recordings wil be available for a week)

When taken the full series  hours count as heartbeat hours for the 5Rhythms teacher training,
otherwise they count as waves hours

5 weeks 1 class a week €67,50
5 weeks 2 classes a week €87,50
single Class €15

for a single session you can book here

Open classes on wednesdaymorning every week you can start already
 you can book weekly classes here

Jup Jansonius & Mirjam van Hasselt, accredited 5Rhythms teachers on waves and heartbeat level.


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